Monday 26 January 2015

Rose Muhando Explains Why She Procured An Abortion. Muhando has an Islamic Background having been born into a Moslem Family, she attended Madrassa classes as a kid and converted to Christianity after recovering from an illness in which she said that She saw Jesus calling her out to minister to the  world.She started in the choir but later moved on to start a solo career.
 The electric dancer cum artist has never been married, citing that her duty to the world is to serve God alone, she however has 3 children and the identity of the father is not in the public domain. Over the past week there was news that she was being sought by the Tanzanian Authorities for terminating a 7 months pregnancy. (The Identity of the Father is not known) Her management has issued a statement saying that she terminated the pregnancy after she developed complications and was advised by the medics that her pregnancy portended danger to her health, compelling her to take up the only way out, Abortion.
Its still not clear whether action will be taken against her , which would see her spend around 7 years behind bars.

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