Wednesday 25 March 2015

What 2 Sisters Did Onstage Left Me In Tears By The End. Wow.

The WHAS Crusade for Children is an organization that raises funds that go towards bettering the lives of special needs children. Each June, they put on a telethon that can be seen around the world at
One particularly moving performance back in 2013 featured sisters Quincy and Gracie Latkovski. The dance, choreographed by Jennifer Wood, will probably have you in tears by the end. Christin, the girls' mother, says that Gracie doesn't view herself as disabled at all, and that her attitude toward the challenges she's faced with is an inspiration for others in difficult times. Gracie proves this through her pure talent and style while she dances alongside her equally talented sister.
You can see that their bond is truly incredible...

Better grab some tissues...

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